Pay attention to details. Refuse to be stampeded into signing your land or house purchase documents with the words “just sign here.” Never sign a land document you have not calmly read and understood. Look out for unfavourable terms and clauses in it.
Be sure that all your points of agreement are captured in the land or house purchase agreement. Most legal documents are written with legal jargons. Read to understand with clarity. If you are in doubt of the actual or clear meaning of any portion of the document, ask your Property/Real Estate Lawyer/Attorney for clarification.
For persons unable to read, get a trusted person to interpret the land or house document in the language he understands. If you use recommended medicated reading glasses, then don’t read without them. Every word counts as the omission or addition of even one word can completely change the meaning of a clause or term in the land agreement.
Note that parties are bound by their agreement and it therefore follows that you are bound by whatever you sign. There is freedom of agreement and even the courts will give effect to what you agreed on and as signed by you, provided you were not received, forced or wrongly influenced. Your thoughts do not count, but the words used in the document do.
APEX CHAMBERS, Property/real estate and business Lawyers, Attorneys, Barristers, Solicitors with Law Office in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.