Registering a business is important for doing business professionally and legally in Nigeria. As a business owner, business registration provides you with a distinct legal identity, separating your personal assets from the business’ liabilities.
This separation is essential in cases of debts or legal disputes, as it limits your personal exposure to financial risks and enhances credibility with clients/customers, banks and investors.
Business registration is required for compliance with Nigerian law including the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) which regulates businesses. A registered business enjoys legal protections that are not available to unregistered businesses.
For instance, only a registered business can open corporate bank accounts, bid for government contracts, and access various financial services that are otherwise inaccessible.
Registration enables access to tax identification necessary for paying corporate tax, avoiding legal penalties; protects the business name, ensuring that no other entity can legally use it. It builds brand reputation and fosters trust with customers, who tend to prefer dealing with legitimate, registered entities.
Registering a business establishes a foundation of legal protection, credibility and growth, making it an essential step for any entrepreneur in Nigeria.
To register your business, contact Apex Chambers, Business & Property Lawyers, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.