Adoption and legal guardianship in Nigeria are governed by laws designed to protect the rights of the child and the adopting parents or guardian.
Adoption grants full parental rights, making the child legally theirs, just as a biological child would be.
Legal guardianship, on the other hand, allows an appointed guardian to care for and make decisions for a person below 18 years without permanently transferring parental status.
These processes ensure that vulnerable children find stable homes while safeguarding against illegal child trafficking or wrongful adoptions.
The adoption process in Nigeria is rigorous. Prospective parents must meet strict legal requirements, undergo background checks and obtain family court approval. Attempting to bypass legal channels can lead to issues, revocation or even criminal liability.
Sadly, many people fall victim to fraudulent adoption schemes or informal arrangements that have no legal backing. Such dangerous shortcuts may put you in serious trouble that you will regret.
That is why consulting an experienced legal expert is important. A Lawyer with a solid experience in adoption and guardianship ensures that the process is easily complied with, legally binding and in the best interest of all.
_____ APEX CHAMBERS, Property/Business Lawyers, Attorneys, Barristers, Solicitors, Advocates, Legal Practitioners, Consultants & Notary Public with Law Office in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.